HVAC, an abbreviation for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, is just one of many acronyms with full forms worth remembering. To make communication between homeowners and the HVAC industry easier, we have built a list for quickly retrieving any HVAC abbreviation with the term’s full form. Below is a table of 700 HVAC abbreviations and each term’s associated full form. Use the search function to quickly retrieve any abbreviation from the list.
Abbreviation | Full Form |
°F | Degrees Fahrenheit |
A | Air / Compressed Air / Compressed Air Line / Area |
AB | Above |
A/C | Air Conditioning |
AC | Air Curtain / Air Chamber / Alternating Current |
ACC | Air Cooled Condenser |
ACCU | Air Cooled Condensing Unit |
ACD | Automatic Control Damper |
ACH | Air Changes Per Hour |
ACM | Asbestos Containing Material |
ACU | Air Conditioning Unit |
AD | Access Door (Duct or Plenum) |
ADU | Accessory Dwelling Unit |
AE | Acoustical Elbow |
AEE | Association Of Energy Engineers |
AF | Air Foil |
AFD | Adjustable Frequency Drive |
AFF | Above Finished Floor |
AFG | Above Finished Grade |
AFMS | Air Flow Monitor / Measuring Station |
AFP | Air Flow Measurement Probe |
AFUE | Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency |
AHRI | Air Conditioning, Heating, And Refrigeration Institute |
AHU | Air Handling Unit - May be used interchangeably with ADU And ARU. |
AI | Analog Input |
AL | Aluminum / Acoustical Lining |
ALT | Alternate/Alternative |
AMB | Ambient |
AMP | Ampere |
AO | Analog Output |
AP | Access Panel |
APD | Air Pressure Drop |
AR | Acid Resistant |
ARR | Arrangement |
ARU | Air Rotation Unit / Air Refrigeration Unit |
ARV | Air Relief Valve / Manual Air Vent |
AS | Air Stream / Air Separator |
ASHRAE | American Society Of Heating Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Engineers |
ASME | American Society Of Mechanical Engineers |
ASTM | American Society For Testing And Materials |
AT | Air Transfer |
ATC | Automatic Temperature Control |
ATD | Air Temperature Drop (in °F) |
ATM | Atmosphere |
ATV | Air Turning Vanes |
AUTO | Automatic |
AUX | Auxiliary |
AVE | Air Volume Extractor |
AVG | Average |
B | Boiler |
BACNET | A Data Communication Protocol For Building Automation And Control Networks |
BAS | Building Automation System |
BBD | Boiler Blowdown |
BCA | Building Commissioning Association |
BCP | Boiler Circulation Pump |
BD | Balancing Damper / Barometric Damper / Barometric Counter Balanced Gravity Operated Damper |
BDD | Back Draft Damper |
BF | Boiler Feed |
BG | Barrier Grill |
BHP | Brake Horsepower / Boiler Horsepower |
BI | Backward Incline |
BLDG | Building |
BLR | Boiler |
BMCS | Building Management System |
BMS | Building Management System |
BO | Blank Off / Binary Output |
BOD | Bottom Of Duct/Bottom of Device (in Units) |
BOP | Bottom Of Pipe |
BOT | Bottom |
BP | Back Pressure |
BSLN | Baseline |
BSMT | Basement |
BTU | British Thermal Unit |
BTUH | British Thermal Units Per Hour |
BU | Blower Unit |
BV | Butterfly Valve |
BY | Base Year |
C | Celsius / Condensate Line |
C TO C | Center To Center |
C/W | Complete With |
CA | Compressed Air |
CAL | Calorie |
CAP | Capacity |
CAU | Combustion Air Unit |
CAV | Constant Air Volume Box |
CBP | Chilled Beam, Passive |
CC | Cooling Coil |
CCP | Coil Circulation Pump |
CCU | Closed Control Unit |
CD | Ceiling Diffuser / Cold Deck / Condensate Drain / Control Damper |
CDD | Cooling Degree Days |
CDR | Condensate Drain Line |
CEM | Certified Energy Manager |
CENT | Center / Centrifugal |
CF | Cubic Feet / Cubic Foot / Chemical Feed / Cartridge Filter |
CFC | Chlorofluorocarbon |
CFF | Cap For Future |
CFH | Cubic Feet Per Hour |
CFM | Cubic Feet Per Minute |
CG | Ceiling Grille |
CH | Chiller / Chilled |
CHLR | Chiller |
CHP | Chilled Water Pump |
CHR | Chilled Water Return |
CHS | Chilled Water Supply |
CHW | Chilled Water |
CHWP | Chilled Water Pump |
CHWR | Chilled Water Return |
CHWRT | Chilled Water Return Temperature |
CHWS | Chilled Water Supply |
CHWST | Chilled Water Supply Temperature |
CI | Cast Iron |
CIRC | Circular |
CL | Center Line |
CLF | Cooling Load Factor |
CLG | Ceiling |
CLTD | Cooling Load Temperature Difference |
CM | Centimeter |
CM2 | Square Centimeter |
CO | Clean Out / Carbon Monoxide |
COL | Column |
COMP | Compressor |
CONC | Concrete / Concentric |
COND | Condenser |
CONN | Connect / Connection |
CONT | Continuation |
CONV | Convector |
COP | Coefficient Of Performance |
CP | Condensate Pump |
CPVC | Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride |
CR | Ceiling Register / Condenser Return |
CRAC | Computer Room Air Conditioner |
CRU | Computer Room Unit |
CRW | Chemical Resistant Waste |
CS | Condenser Supply |
CSF | Chemical Shot Feeder |
CSR | Current Sensing Relay |
CT | Cooling Tower |
CTBD | Cooling Tower Blow Down |
CTR | Center |
CU | Cubic / Cooling Unit / Condensing Unit |
CU FT | Cubic Feet |
CU IN | Cubic Inches |
CUH | Cabinet Unit Heater |
CV | Constant Volume / Check Valve / Convector |
CVRMSE | Coefficient Of Variation Of The Root Mean Square Of The Error |
CW | Condenser Water / Cold Water |
CWP | Condenser Water Pump |
CWR | Condenser Water Return |
CWRT | Condenser Water Return Temperature |
CWS | Condenser Water Supply |
CWST | Condenser Water Supply Temperature |
CY | Current Year |
D | Deep or Drain |
DA | Discharge Air |
DB | Dry Bulb Temperature |
DBT | Dry Bulb Temperature |
DC | Dust Collector / Direct Current |
DCV | Demand Controlled Ventilation |
DCW | Domestic Cold Water |
DD | Degree Day |
DDC | Direct Digital Control |
DEC | Direct Evaporative Cooler |
DEG | Degree |
DELTA T | Delta Temperature / Temperature Difference |
DET | Detail |
DH | Duct Heater |
DHW | Domestic Hot Water |
DI | Digital Input |
DIA / Ø | Diameter |
DIM | Dimension |
DISC | Disconnect |
DL | Door Louver |
DN | Down |
DO | Digital Output |
DOAS | Dedicated Outdoor Air System |
DP | Differential Pressure (in Feet Of Head, Unless Otherwise Noted) |
DPS | Differential Pressure Switch |
DPT | Dew Point Temperature |
DR | Drain |
DRV | Double Regulating Valve |
DRX | Clothes Dryer Exhaust |
DS | Duct Silencer |
DT | Differential Temperature (in °f, Unless Otherwise Noted) |
DU | Dehumidification Unit |
DUC | Door Under Cut (in Inches, Unless Otherwise Noted) |
DV | Displacement ventilation |
DWG | Drawing |
DX | Direct Expansion |
E | Emergency Heating |
E TO C | End To Center |
E/P | Electrical/pneumatic |
EA | Exhaust Air / Each |
EAD | Exhaust Air Duct |
EAG | Exhaust Air Grill |
EAHU | Exhaust Air Handling Unit |
EAL | Exhaust Air Louver |
EAR | Exhaust Air Register |
EAT | Entering Air Temperature |
EATR | Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio |
ECD | Exhaust Ceiling Diffuser |
ECG | Exhaust Ceiling Grill |
ECH | Electric Cabinet Heater |
ECM | Electronically Commutated Motor |
ECO | Energy Conservation Opportunity |
ECON | Economizer |
EDB | Entering Drying Bulb |
EDH | Electric Duct Heater |
EEM | Energy Efficiency Measure |
EER | Energy Efficiency Ratio |
EF | Exhaust Fan |
EFF | Efficiency |
EG | Exhaust Grille |
EH | Electric Heater |
EHC | Electric Heating Coil |
EJ | Expansion Joint |
EL | Elevation |
ELB | Elbow |
ELEC | Electric, Electrical |
ELEV | Elevation |
ELSD | Exhaust Linear Slot Diffuser |
EM | Expanded Metal (minimum Of 70% Free Area, Unless Otherwise |
EMER | Emergency |
EMS | Energy Management System |
ENT | Entering |
EP | Elevator Pressurization |
EQUIP | Equipment |
ERC | Energy Recovery Chiller |
ERV | Energy Recovery Ventilator |
ERW | Energy Recovery Wheel / Heat Enthalpy Wheel |
ESCO | Energy Service Company |
ESP | External Static Pressure |
ET | Expansion Tank |
EUH | Electrical Unit Heater |
EVAP | Evaporator |
EVV | Exhaust Venture Valve |
EWB | Entering Wet Bulb |
EWT | Entering Water Temperature |
EX | Existing |
EXF | Exhaust Fan |
EXH or EX | Exhaust |
EXP | Expansion |
EXST | Existing |
EXT | Exterior |
F | Filter |
F/SD | Combination Fire/smoke Damper |
F&T | Float And Thermostatic Trap |
FA | Free Area / Fire Alarm / From Above |
FAD | Fresh Air Duct |
FAF | Fresh Air Fan |
FAHU | Fresh Air Handling Unit |
FAI | Fresh Air Intake |
FAL | Fresh Air Louver |
FAR | Fresh Air Register |
FB | From Below |
FBO | Furnished By Others |
FC | Fan Coil Unit |
FCC | Fire Control Center |
FCO | Floor Clean Out |
FCU | Fan Coil Unit |
FCV | Fan Coil Unit, For VRF Systems |
FD | Fire Damper |
FDW | Feed Water |
FEC | Fire Extinguisher Cabinet |
FF | Finish Floor |
FG | Finish Grade |
FHC | Fire Hose Cabinet |
FIM | Facility Improvement Measure |
FJ | Flexible Joint |
FLA | Full Load Amps |
FLEX | Flexible |
FLR | Floor |
FLRDR | Floor Drain |
FM | Flow Meter |
FMS | Facility Management System |
FO | Fuel Oil |
FOR | Fuel Oil Return |
FOS | Fuel Oil Supply |
FOV | Flush Out Valve |
FP | Fire Protection |
FPB | Fan Powered Box |
FPI | Fins Per Inch |
FPM | Feet Per Minute |
FPS | Feet Per Second |
FR | Filter Rack |
FRE | Fire Rated Enclosure |
FRP | Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic |
FS | Flow Switch |
FSD | Combination Fire and Smoke Damper |
FT | Feet |
FTG | Fitting |
FTR | Fin Tube Radiation |
FU | Fixture Unit |
FV | Flush Valve |
FW | Feed Water |
G | Gas |
GA | Gauge |
GAL | Gallons |
GALV | Galvanized |
GC | Condensate Piping - Gravity Drainage |
GF | Glycol Feeder |
GFU | Glycol Feed Unit |
GLR | Ground/geothermal Loop Return |
GLS | Ground/geothermal Loop Supply |
GLV | Gas Lift Valve |
GLY | Glycol |
GND | Ground |
GPD | Gallons Per Day |
GPH | Gallons Per Hour |
GPM | Gallons Per Minute |
GPS | Gallons Per Second |
GR | Grade / Grain |
GRD | Grills, Registers, and Diffusers |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
GV | Gate Valve / Globe Valve |
GWH | Gas Water Heater |
GX | Garage Exhaust / General Exhaust |
H2O | Water |
HB | Hose Bib (connection) |
HC | Heating Coil |
HCFC | Hydrochlorocfuorocarbon |
HD | Head |
HDD | Heating Degree Days |
HDG | Heavy Duty Grille |
HEPA | High Efficiency Particulate Arresting |
HEX | Heat Exchanger |
HF | Hepa Filter |
HFC | Hydrofluorocarbon |
HG | Mercury |
HGT | Height |
HHR | Heating Hot Water Return |
HHS | Heating Hot Water Supply |
HHV | Higher Heating Value |
HHWP | Heating Hot Water Pump |
HHWR | Heating Hot Water Return |
HHWS | Heating Hot Water Supply |
HL | High Limit |
HLS | High Limit Switch |
HMD | Humidity |
HORIZ | Horizontal |
HP | Horsepower |
HPR | Heat Pump Loop Return |
HPS | Heat Pump Loop Supply |
HPU | Heat Pump Air Handling Unit, Air Or Water Source |
HPW | Water To Water Heat Pump Unit |
HR | Heat Recovery |
HRU | Heat Recovery Unit |
HRV | Heat Recovery Ventilator |
HSPF | Heating Seasonal Performance Factor |
HSPF2 | Heating Seasonal Performance Factor 2 |
HTD | Heated |
HTG | Heating |
HTP | Heat Pump |
HTR | Heater |
HTW | Heatwheel |
HU | Humidistat |
HV | Heating and Ventilation Unit |
HVAC | Heating Ventilation And Air Conditioning |
HVAC R, HVAC&R, or HVACR | Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration |
HW | Hot Water |
HWH | Hot Water Heater |
HWP | Heating Hot Water Pump |
HWR | Hot Water Return |
HWRT | Hot Water Return Temperature |
HWS | Hot Water Supply |
HWST | Hot Water Supply Temperature |
HWT | Hot Water Tank |
HX | Heat Exchanger |
HZ | Herts (cycles Per Second) |
I/O | Input Output |
IAQ | Indoor Air Quality |
ID | Inside Diameter (in Inches, Unless Otherwise Noted) |
IDEC | Indirect Evaporative Cooler |
IH | Intake Hood |
IN | Inch / Inches |
INHG | Inches Of Mercury |
INSUL | Insulation |
INT | International |
INTL | Internal |
INV | Invert |
IPMVP | International Performance Measurement And Verification Protocol |
IPS | Iron Pipe Size |
IR | Infra |
IV | Indirect Vent |
IW | Indirect Waste |
J | Joule |
K | Kelvin |
KG | Kilogram |
KH | Kitchen Hood |
KM | Kilometer |
KM2 | Kquare Kilometer |
KPA | Kilo Pascal |
KS | Kitchen Sink |
KW | Kilowatt |
KWH | Kilowatt Hours |
KX | Kitchen Exhaust |
L | Length / Liter |
LAT | Leaving Air Temperature |
LB | Pound |
LBF | Pound Force |
LBS | Pounds |
LD | Linear Diffuser (ceiling, wall, sill, or floor) |
LF | Linear Feet |
LHV | Lower Heating Value |
LIQ | Liquid |
LL | Low Level / Low Limit |
LLS | Low Limit Switch |
LON | Local Operating Network |
LP | Liquid Petroleum |
LPD | Lift Pressurization Duct |
LPS | Low Pressure Steam |
LRA | Lock Rotor Amps |
LSD | Linear Slot Diffuser |
LUVR or LVR | Louver |
LVDR | Louvered Door |
LVG | Leaving |
LVL | Level |
LVR | Louver |
LWBT | Leaving Wet Bulb Temperature |
LWS | Louver with Wire Screen |
LWT | Leaving Water Temperature |
M | Meter |
M TYPE | Lightest Type Of Rigid Copper Pipe |
M&V | Measurement And Verification |
M2 | Square Meter |
MA | Mixed Air |
MAN | Manual |
MAT | Mixed Air Temperature |
MAU | Makeup Air Unit |
MAX | Maximum |
MBH | Equivalent To 1,000 Btuh |
MCA | Minimum Circuit Amps |
MCC | Motor Control Center |
MECH | Mechanical |
MFR | Manufacturer |
MFR or MFG | Manufacturer |
MFS | Maximum Fuse Size |
MG | Milligram |
MGD | Millions Gallons Per Day |
MH | Manhole |
MIN | Minimum |
MISC | Miscellaneous |
ML | Milliliter |
MM | Millimeter |
MM3 | Cubic Millimeter |
MOCP | Maximum Overcurrent Protection |
MOD | Motorized Operated Damper |
MPS | Medium Pressure Steam Supply |
MPT | Male Pipe Thread |
MSD | Motorized Smoke Damper |
MSFD | Motorized Smoke Fire Damper |
MSIU | Mini Split Indoor Unit |
MTD | Mounted |
MU | Make Up |
MUA | Make Up Air |
MX | Metrix Utility Accounting System |
MZ | Multi |
NA | Not Applicable |
NC | Normally Closed / Noise Criteria |
NEG | Negative |
NEMA | National Electrical Manufacturers Association |
NFA | Net Free Area |
NG | Natural Gas |
NIC | Not In Contact |
NK | Neck |
NO | Normally Open |
NO / # | Number |
NOM | Nominal |
NP | Non-potable Water |
NPHP | Name Plate Horsepower |
NPS | Nominal Pipe Size |
NPSH | Net Positive Suction Head |
NRD | Non |
NRV | Non Return Valve |
NTS | Not To Scale |
O | Oxygen |
OA | Outdoor Air |
OAI | Outside Air Intake |
OAP | Outside Air Percentage |
OAT | Outdoor Air Temperature (in °f, Unless Otherwise Noted) |
OBD | Opposed Blade Damper |
OC | On Center |
OD | Outdoor Diameter (in Inches, Unless Otherwise Noted) |
ODP | Open Drip Proof |
OED | Open End Duct |
OF | Degrees Fahrenheit |
OR | Oil Return |
OS | Oil Supply |
OV | Outlet Velocity |
OWS | Operator Work Station |
OZ. | Ounce |
P | Pump |
P/E | Pneumatic/electric |
P/T | Pressure/temperature Port, Pete's Plug |
PA | Pascal |
PC | Performance Contracting |
PCF | Pounds Per Cubic Foot |
PCR | Pounds Per Cubic Foot |
PD | Pressure Drop |
PE | Professional Engineer |
PF | Power Factor |
PG | Pressure Gauge |
PH | Phase |
PHC | Pre-Heat coil |
PICV | Pressure Independent Control Valve |
PID | Proportional Integral Derivative |
PL | Plate |
PNEU | Pneumatic |
PP | Primary Pump |
PRD | Pressure Relief Damper |
PREFAB | Prefabricated |
PRES | Pressure |
PRESS | Pressure |
PROP | Propeller |
PRV | Pressure Reducing Valve |
PSF | Pounds Per Square Foot |
PSI | Pounds Per Square Inch |
PSIA | Pound Per Square Inch (Absolute) |
PSID | Pounds Per Square Inch (Differential) |
PSIG | Pound Per Square Inch (Gauge) |
PTAC | Package Terminal Air Conditioning Unit |
PUH | Propeller Unit Heater |
PV | Plug Valve |
PVC | Polyvinyl Chloride |
QTY | Quantity |
R | Radiant |
R/E | Return And Exhaust |
RA | Return Air |
RAD | Radius |
RAG | Return Air Grill |
RAT | Return Air Temperature |
RCD | Return Ceiling Diffuser |
RCP | Radiant Ceiling Panel |
RD | Roof Drain |
RECOV | Recovery |
RED | Reducer |
REF | Reference |
REQ'D | Required |
REQD | Required |
RET | Return |
REV | Revision |
RF | Return Fan |
RFM | Refrigerant Monitor |
RG | Return Air Grille |
RH | Reheat |
RHC | Reheat Coil |
RL | Refrigerant Liquid |
RLA | Rated Load Amperes |
RLBG | Return Linear Bar Grille |
RLF | Relief |
RLSD | Return Linear Slot Diffuser |
RM | Room |
RPM | Revolutions Per Minute |
RS | Refrigerant Suction |
RTD | Resistance Temperature Detector |
RTN | Return |
RTU | Roof Top Air Handling Unit |
RV | Relief Valve |
RWO | Return Air Wall Opening (above Ceiling, Unless Otherwise Noted) |
S | Sensor |
SA | Supply Air (with A Unit Measurement Of Cfm) |
SAD | Supply Air Duct |
SAG | Supply Air Grill |
SAT | Supply Air Temperature |
SC | Shading Coefficient |
SCD | Supply Ceiling Diffuser |
SCH | Schedule |
SCHED | Schedule |
SCR | Screen |
SCT | Saturated Condensing Temperature |
SD | Smoke Damper |
SDT | Saturated Discharge Temperature |
SE | Smoke Exhaust |
SEC | Seconds / Secondary |
SED | See Electrical Drawings |
SEER | Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio |
SEER2 | Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio 2 |
SEG | Smoke Extract Grille |
SEN or SENS | Sensible |
SENS | Sensible |
SEP | Separate |
SEQ | Sequence |
SER | Series |
SERV | Service |
SF | Service Factor |
SFD | Combination Smoke / Fire Damper |
SHC | Sensible Heat Capacity |
SHFG | Solar Heat Gain Factor |
SHR | Sensible Heat Ratio |
SHT | Sheet |
SI | International Systems Of Units |
SIM | Similar |
SL | Linear Slot Diffuser |
SLBG | Supply Linear Bar Grille |
SLSD | Supply Linear Slot Diffuser |
SM | Sheet Metal |
SOL | Solenoid |
SP | Secondary Pump |
SPD | Stair Pressurization Duct |
SPEC | Specification |
SPF | Stair Pressurization Fan |
SPLY | Supply |
SQ | Square |
SQFT | Square Feet |
SS | Stainless Steel |
SSH | Static Suction Head |
SST | Saturated Suction Temperature |
ST | Sound Trap |
STD | Standard |
STH | Static Total Head |
STL | Steel |
SUCT | Suction |
SUP | Supply |
SV | Service |
SVH | Static Velocity Head |
SW | Service Weight |
SWP | Steam Working Pressure |
SWS | Service Water |
SX | Smoke Exhaust |
T | Temperature (in °f, Unless Otherwise Noted) |
TA | To Above |
TAB | Testing, Adjusting, And Balancing |
TB | To Below |
TC | Temperature Control |
TCC | Temperature Control Contractor |
TCP | Temperature Control System Control Panel |
TCS | Temperature Control System. |
TD | Temperature Difference |
TDH | Total Dynamic Head |
TE | Toilet Exhaust |
TED | Toilet Extract Duct |
TEFC | Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled |
TEMP | Temperature |
TEV | Thermostatic Expansion Valve |
TEWI | Total Equivalent Warming Impact |
TF | Transfer Fan |
TH | Thermometer |
THK | Thick |
TOD | Time Of Day |
TON | 12,000 BTUH (BTU per Hour) Cooling Capacity |
TORR | Millimeter Of Mercury (mmhg) |
TP | Total Pressure |
TR | Temperature Rise (in °f, Unless Otherwise Stated) |
TRD | Transfer Duct |
TRG | Transfer Grille |
TSP | Total Static Pressure |
TSTAT | Thermostat |
TX | Toilet Exhaust |
TXV | Thermal Expansion Valve |
TYP | Typical |
UC | Undercut (door) |
UF | Under Floor |
UFAD | Underfloor Air Distribution |
UH | Unit Heater |
UON | Unless Otherwise noted |
UV | Ultraviolet |
V | Vent |
VAC | Vacuum |
VAR | Variable |
VAV | Variable Air Volume |
VB | Vacuum Breaker |
VCD | Volume Control Damper |
VCI | Vacuum Cleaning Inlet |
VCL | Vacuum Cleaning Line |
VD | Volume Damper |
VEL | Velocity |
VERT | Vertical |
VF | Ventilation Fan |
VFC | Variable Frequency Controller (or Vfd) |
VFD | Variable Frequency Drive |
VHP | Variable Refrigerant Volume Heat Pump Unit, For VRF Systems |
VIB | Vibration |
VIF | Verify In Field |
VOL | Volume |
VP | Velocity Pressure |
VRC | Refrigerant System Controller, For VRF Systems |
VRF or VRV | Variable Refrigerant Flow / Variable Refrigerant Volume |
VSD | Variable Speed Drive |
VSP | Variable Speed Pump(ing) |
VTR | Vent Through Roof |
VVD | Dual Inlet Variable Primary Air Volume Terminal Unit |
VVF | Fan Powered Variable Primary Air Volume Terminal Unit |
VVR | Variable Primary Air Volume Terminal Unit |
VVT | Variable Volume Variable Temperature |
W | Watt / Width / Wide |
W/ | With |
W/O | Without |
WB | Wet Bulb |
WBT | Wet Bulb Temperature |
WC | Water Column |
WCO | Wall Clean Out |
WCU | Water Chilling Unit |
WFU | Water Filtration Unit |
WG | Water Gauge |
WH | Water Heater |
WMS | Wire Mesh Screen |
WO-SIZE | Wall-Opening Size |
WPD | Water Pressure Drop |
WR | Wall Register |
WTD | Water Temperature Difference |
YTD | Year To Date |
ZV | Zone Valve |
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